Sunday, May 28

I like it when the monsoon comes.
Everything is so verdantly, unashamedly green.
Small weeds grow in the most untenable of places.
The sky is a perfect shade of cobalt-grey, and when the clouds leave, its like they strip the friendliness from the sun.
And the air smells different too. Not dustily hungry, anymore.
And rain.
Portly drops of rain, and the sound they make when they splatter on the ground.
And the cold pinpricks of the small drops.
And the sound of rain, like very large anklets heard from far away.
And the wind that heralds the coming of the rain.
And after the thunder stops, the silence, that sounds so alive.
I like it when the monsoon comes.


Xiamaze said...

when its starts to rain...
the thing that i enjoy the most is to watch how the rain drops fall as little drops on the streets and eventually the entire street gets spray-painted by the rain drops in transparent...

Anonymous said...

see, this is what i mean.
i love the May Archives. They're like wandering aimlessly through those winding little streets.
i love the rain.
the skys this crazy grey and it accentuates the green of the leaves. like when you wake up really early in the morning.