Sunday, May 21

It was summer. The middle of the morning.

He sat at his desk and looked at the books piled high around. His desk faced a window and he could look up and out. He remembered that he would sit here, studying, for hours. No, not studying; the word was too passive to apply to what he did: he would pick a topic and strip it of its secrets, devour its strangeness until he could put his foot on its dismembered, distinctly labeled carcass, and scream that he was king.
But he didn’t do that any more. It wasn’t that he couldn’t, just that he didn’t. He didn’t know why. He was still the same, his mind the same instrument it had always been. And all he knew seemed to be receding into a fog, facts insidiously reclaiming their independence, while he floundered in a quagmire of lassitude.

He was feeling faintly downcast, a frame of mind that was almost habitual to him now. He tried to imagine the worst that could happen to him- No post graduation, stuck in a soulless job, no career, stuck behind a pharmacy in a claustrophobic little room. It didn’t really affect him. It was like his life was coated with an anesthetic, and he never felt anything anymore. He couldn’t understand why he felt so numb, so deadened.
It was like, he thought, that he had no concept of his own academic mortality. He had always drifted. Always. But even drifting, he never failed to win. He didn’t understand that here at last was something that he couldn’t throw aside, muttering ‘I shall contrive’, and still succeed. He felt he had never known what it was like to feel that something was final, something really mattered.
He was always trying to fill a void inside.
He hadn’t been happy for a long time. He had no reason to be unhappy. His marks stayed high, he had many friends, many things to do, he loved what he did, and he had books and music and poetry. But he wasn’t happy.
He had so many personas to keep up to so many different groups of people, so many masks that he couldn’t recognize his own face anymore. Say-funny-things-to-make-you-laugh Guy, quirky Guy, bluff-good-fellow, quiet-confident-answer-any-question Guy, intelligent erudite Guy; he changed his masks to suit the company.

Maybe all he wanted to find was somewhere he didn’t have to pretend anymore.


Joychaser said...

why does this sound so familiar?

oh, of course, this is what my mother was convinced I should be...

"He sat at his desk and looked at the books piled high around. His desk faced a window and he could look up and out. He remembered that he would sit here, studying, for hours. No, not studying; the word was too passive to apply to what he did: he would pick a topic and strip it of its secrets, devour its strangeness until he could put his foot on its dismembered, distinctly labeled carcass, and scream that he was king."

and the marks.

instead she ended up with an unambitious drifter who knew exactly what she didn't want to do in terms of degrees, but didnt know what she wanted, and the kind of life she'd be leading after the farce of degrees would be over, but had only a very vague idea how to get there.

scorpionragz said...

hi! have finally managed to chance onto ur blog and u buddy are in serious need. I would recommend watching patch adams. cheers any doctor up. other than that sorry but not feelingly intellectually up to not writing an inane comment on ur blog for themere sake of it. ciao!

Anonymous said...

Diviani: I am a drifter. and I will always be a drifter, regardless of how my marks are. I just happened to take medicine. I find I really like it, but why do I still feel... dead?
and Have you read the Rubaiyat?

Ragini: Finalllllllly you've turned up. and have watched patch adams, but was very depressed when the girl died.

Anonymous said...

Ragini, I just read your comment again, and what exactly is it that I am in serious need of?????

Joychaser said...

not from cover to cover, but i have a copy of it.

Anonymous said...

Read it.
The reason I asked is that it prescribes a philosophy violently at odds with my life. And it appears eerily right, somehow.

But I dont have a philosophy. I cant decide on one!

Joychaser said...

i'm saving it for some train journey...i just can't read all the quatrains in one fell swoop and expect anything to sink in......i like reading poetry only when i'm in certain frames of mind

Joychaser said...

and i have many conflicting philosophies that are embodied by the many conflicting me*s... everything shifts with me, i don't have a set handwriting, i modify my views on things frequently, in my head i argue for and against issues from every possible short i'm an inconclusive work-in-progress still.

but for how long i'll get away with it, i wonder.

Anonymous said...

I dont have a set handwriting either. But they all have this in common: they all suck.
I am impelled to argue against everything anyone else has a strong opinion on.

And I cant decide what I want to do with my life. That is why one needs a philosophy. A philosophy is only a collection of prejudices that allow you reactions free from thought.

I am thoughtful emptiness.

But people dont know that. let me confess: they think I am so perfect. the charmingly quirky friend, the trophy son, smart, without a care in the world.

I hate superman.

Anonymous said...

I'll take that as a compliment. :)
Dracula, as anyone who has actually read the book knows, had an aquiline nose.
Anyone who thinks i'd make a good Dracula needs their head examined!

And i think I'll wait for someone who likes me as I am.

I know, I know, I'll be waiting forever...

March Hare said...

oh dear god!! why is it that reading your blog always makes me feel intellectually inferior, woefully under-read and immensely contented with what I am, at the same time..???

Joychaser said...

khek khek......sen, I used to nurse this delusion about the percentage of such people being miniscule, and as such, I probably would get away without coming across too many of them.....until, that is, I came to our beloved joo.

Anonymous said...


Sen: i'm very sunshiny usually, ask anyone.
The rest of the time, its just the angst coming through. :)

Div: 'such' people????

Joychaser said...

Oh you know, the kind that,"makes me feel intellectually inferior, woefully under-read and immensely contented with what I am, at the same time"