Sunday, June 25

I have officially learnt nothing today.

In the morning I bunked the first lecture, because I had an exam immediately afterwards.The exam went reasonably well, though it was rather disappointing. Even though I had, by some unforeseen miracle, managed to retain how global ischemic encephalopathy causes irreversible damage to the cells in the area of Sommer in the hippocampus, I was only asked the difference between a transudate and an exudate before I was fobbed off with an 80%.
Ah well.

I bunked the wards and after a coke or three, goofed off in the library for two hours, during which our group was admonished by no less than three seniors who were studying for their exams.

After that I went to class and slept peacefully through the lecture on rape, being nudged awake only just before the roll call by a vigilant friend.

And during the pharmacology tutorial classes, I sat at the back with a like-minded friend. Our literary output was tremendous, being no less than fifteen dirty limericks and an epic poem on something quite unmentionable.

I had, in short, a great day, having valiantly resisted all attempts at edification.
And I loved it.
So there.


Anonymous said...

Cantus vitae online next week.


Anonymous said...

why on earth?

looking forward to it. Title ve-ry reminiscent of mine, whatever you say...
and What happened to the dirty poetry blog idea?

scorpionragz said...

nothing else.
aquilus, it is very evident u have no life outside ur classroom.
sorry, don't mean to be insulting, but its kinda cold fact.

Anonymous said...

aw come ON...
you shouldve read the limericks we wrote...
*makes dorky snorting noises while laughing*