Wednesday, October 4

It is October again.
This is my favorite time of year.
For me the year ends, and begins here.

It’s the light.
It attaches to every surface, rich, and brown and thick like honey.

Everything smells different.
It is the death in the air, imminent, urgent, flapping its wings like a hovering bird.

This is how the year should die, after the rain in September and before the cold in November.
In stately October, where there is no petulant rain, nor singing heat, nor is the year hoary with cold.

I hope I die like this.
Strong, at the height of my powers, my mind keen, and my blood singing through my veins.
I want to be full of life, I want to feel it bleeding away as I die.
I will not die stupid with age, or wasted with disease, sickened by life.
I have seen too many deaths like that.

It is not in my hands, of course.
My death will not be suicide, and euthanasia is an abomination.
But I hope for this.
Perhaps I even pray for it.
To what? I do not know.

So I celebrate the death of the year.
Not the beginning.

Every birth is much the same.
Every death is unique.


Mind Mapping said...

yeah this is a nice time of the year.
i don't want to die in pain.its the last thing i'll feel and i dont want it to be pain.

Joychaser said...

I reiterate.

I LOVE october immensely. Especially on days like today. The rain. The bittersweetness stealing into the soul on padded feet. The prospect of travel. Of Cleansing. Things to look back on. Things to look forward to.

Anonymous said...

'It’s the light.
It attaches to every surface, rich, and brown and thick like honey.'

I know EXACTLY what you mean!!!

Anonymous said...

@mercuryshadow: I dont want to die in pain, precisely, but I'll take that over feeling nothing...

@agarwaen: rage, rage, rage against the dying of the light... :) Dissolution may be the same. It is the act that is different, and that is what we experience...

@Diviani: bittersweetness. yes.

@ Anon: isnt it? Its like everything is in a giant sepia tinted photograph, smeared with colour. Golden brown dust motes, and blue sepia skies, even if that doesnt make sense...

Xiamaze said...

me eyes are burning cuz my mother has lighted dhuno...
i am reading macbeth and i want to be the first witch.
mercuryshadow tells me she wants to die by jumping off a very high place.
so i told her what if when u reach the ground u dont die immediately but live for like a minute or so in immense pain. would you like that?
so she kind of changed her mind abt the jumping part.
i have a question to ask you.
which is the best possible way to die..i mean without experiencing any kind of pain?

Anonymous said...

I like dhuno. Reminds me of saraswati and lakshmi pujo in my house.. :)

and yes, you might, but depends on what you hit as you fall. If you fall on your head, Its like instant oblivion, I imagine.

And that is a question I have morbidly obsessed over for a very long time. Its either overdose of narcotics+ alcohol, or pump yourself full of insulin and wait for hypoglycaemic coma...

And Ladeez and gemmen, do NOT try this at home.... :D

Xiamaze said...

excuse me...
what do you mean do not try this at home?
u just precscribed me the methods of painless self-destruction.
and if anything happens to me that is if i kill myself (which i will in the near future cuz i cant live in this hell-hole any longer) then everybody shall know exactly who helped me out.

Anonymous said...

yeah. I'll shut this blog down and flee the country.
woooooooooo. (waggles fingers)

and where, little one, are you going to get narcotics/insulin? If you do manage it, send me the details before you, um, top yourself!!!


Mind Mapping said...

just one bullet through the head should also do it.

Xiamaze said...

but its going to hurt for a second...and i cant live with mean die with that ...

Xiamaze said...

oi aquilus..
and who do you think your calling little one?huh?
i am 17 years old.
and that is not "little"..ok??ok?

Anonymous said...

@mercuryshadow: yes, I think so. But its difficult for some reasons, such as recoil, and also the placement of the gun, which I am not going to talk about... :)

@xiamaze: Oi, xia, I'm almost 21. Which is a ripe old age, compared with 17... :D
And little one is like kiddo, I just say it, I do not mean it literally, people!!!
And I dont know if it hurts even for a second. I mean, where is it going to hurt, you've put a bullet in your brain!

Mind Mapping said...

actually you will hurt for a second.nanosecond actually.
see when the bullet is in the process of passing through the head,it will hurt like anything.
How sad man,it seems like you just have to experience pain or die in a silly way.

Mind Mapping said...

oh and aquilus..
you just called yourself old.

Xiamaze said...

i think he's aware of that mercuryshadow.
i'll go with the overdose of narcotics.
many great people died that way for example Kurt Cobain.
blah blah blah...

Joychaser said...

What a nuisance to plan even one's happy departure from have to plan anything ever again!!!

I'd rather have it happen to me as it wants to, because, while I don't particularly love/detest that other Great Adventure, I'd much rather wring this adventure of all that it has to offer before plunging into the Other.

Viator Magnus said...

Caught me hard, brother.

That's how I want to die, too.

Anonymous said...

@mercuryshadow: Thing is, theres something called the latent period of nerve conduction. Biological sensation is not instantaneous, you know... and injury to the brain itself does not cause pain, whatever pain there is would come from the destruction of the face etc, which probably wouldnt reach the brain before it is hit by the bullet...
and yes, I know. I said "ripe old age..."!!!

@Xiamaze: Absolutely! what was good enough for Kurt Cobain, is good enough for me!!! :)

@Diviani: Sigh. Adventure. M'yes. sigh.

@Magnus: can you feeeeeeeel the love, brother....? ;)

Anonymous said...

Clasped in the arms of your sweetheart, you raise a handkerchief to your mouth, and we see your shoulders shake as you vainly strive to stop yourself from coughing. Your palm drops open, the camera zooms in, and there is blood on it.... The soundtrack strikes this standard discordant note, and
Naaaa! the heroine cries...


Man, I should be a scriptwriter!

Xiamaze said...

shut up.

Anonymous said...

happy birthday

Anonymous said...

@shunshine: Hey thanks.. I had a pretty good birthday! :)

Unknown said...

because its ur bloody birthday.

Rajasee Ray said...

i had a birthday in leh. :) that's why you like october. same here. and pujo as well.

i've ALWAYS wanted to die bullet through the head.
something absolutely painless. is that possible? ma says if you die in your sleep that's painless. i don't think so somehow. you're dreams will be bad.

Anonymous said...

@ catastrophixation: no, not because its my bloody birthday. I dont like birthdays.

@Aarshi: Thats nice. Happy birthday, btw.
I dont know. Perhaps in a coma. but we dont really know what goes on in a coma. yes, brainwaves are flat, but what does that mean?