Saturday, April 15

I want to know if anyone has actually read Hermann Melville's "Moby Dick" through. I have started it 13 times. Or is it 11? I never get past where Queequeg shares a bed with Ishmael.
But isn't it a fantastic way to begin a book.. "Call me Ishmael."
If I ever write a book, I want to be able to start with something like that. Simple. It makes absolutely no promises about anything.
I want to be a writer someday. So many Doctors have become writers. Maugham never practised a single day in his life. He started writing as soon as he graduated med school. I would practise though. Preferably somewhere in Africa in a small white tent. With Medecins Sans frontieres or something. Under the desert sun.....
It took me about 7 minutes to type this. In this time 7 people somewhere in India have died of Tuberculosis, most of them with a coexistent AIDS infection. This year, more babies than ever before all over the world will be born with AIDS.

Imagine being born sullied.

No one could care less. And pharmaceutical companies save millions of dollars in tax by giving the starving millions of Africa obsolete or even expired drugs used to prevent fat absorption in morbidly obese people.

You're probably thinking I'm some sort of self righteous bleeding heart freak. Well, maybe I am.

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