Monday, June 30

“Sometimes I think that we should move up to Vermont,

Open a bookstore, or a vegan restaurant.”

You know, sometimes I do think that. I’d love to have a bookstore. I was having this conversation with my sister yesterday.

I can just picture myself sipping coffee in a well lit bookstore reading Chuck Palahniuk, and I do love wood finish. But it probably wouldn’t work out. I’d probably pummel anyone who tried to ask me if I stocked Sweet Valley High books or something. Or refuse to sell someone who buys a Barry Manilow CD anything by Pablo Neruda. I’m finicky like that.

But I digress. The thing is, I will never have a life like you see in all the romantic comedies, the New York Life, you know, like one of those pathologically cute metrosexuals who own a bookstore in The Village and have more gay friends than straight. I won’t have that, and sometimes I really wish I could. Really.

The best I can hope for is a medical drama life. That’s not fun. House is miserable, and Angelina Jolie dies at the end of Beyond Borders.


Ok, too many TV parallels.

The thing is, I’m not hippie material. I always knew that. Sitting naked on the grass singing Kumbaya is not my idea of fun, and I’m a firm believer in periodic haircuts.

I know I’m not a hippie, but what I’m asking is did I have to be a yuppie? And it’s no use telling me that I’m not.

Young. Upwardly mobile. Well I’m young now. And upwardly mobile? I frigging hope so!

All the books, and all the music I like, and my image of myself, it always made me feel like I was an individual. Not someone in the common herd.

Not me.

Do you ever feel dislocated? Ever feel like you are not you?


March Hare said...

come ON, now. pablo neruda is effing good. i absolutely adore. though i did not ever read any sweet valley stories, but neruda and sweet valley in one breath shall not be tolerated.

however, i digress. the point is, jolie is undoubtedly talented. and sexy. and house is, well, probably the hottest stubbly man on television. ever. and, he is brilliant too.

so, even if you are stressed. (see, not unhappy, just overworked) talent and good looks are nice things to fall back upon, no? i mean, just compare with people who are singularly stupid AND stressed.

okay, i am talking s***. shall stop now.

Aquilus~ said...

@Bim: yes, talent and good looks ARE nice things to fall back on. If I had enough of either, I'd be very happy. :)
Oh, and you understand I say this with an unblemished record of the staunchest heterosexuality, House really is pretty 'hot'...

Anonymous said...

A book store owner reading Palahniuk and sipping coffee. The image of Hugh Grant in Notting Hill comes to mind.
You betcha life is a medical drama. Y'know, one emergency to other with healing in between.

I feel the same way about not being in the common herd. Though i find it pardoxical. I mean we want to be a standout from the rest and we think we're all "individuals". But we also don't want to be social outcasts. At the end of the day we box ourselves to niches and feel comfortable with people sharing our own tastes and preferences. Y'know, like an exclusive club. Thrash Metal music lovers, people who love some obscure 80s movie, some underground band or a mid-level underdog soccer team. Y'know, like a cult.

I guess most people think like that. That's why all those underdog sports movies, high school movies about bumbling nerds playing D&D are so popular.

Have to check when the last time I felt like being myself, being "me". What is "me" anyway?
Can't find a tv parallel for what kind of life i want. But i can give enough tv parallels for what kind of life i HAD.

Anonymous said...

Hi ,

I was reading ur blog posts and found some of them to be wow.. u write well.. Why don't you popularize it more.. ur posts on ur blog ‘Vital Anatomy’ took my particular attention as some of them are interesting topics of mine too;

BTW I help out some ex-IIMA guys who with another batch mate run where you can post links to your most loved blog-posts. Rambhai was the chaiwala at IIMA and it is a site where users can themselves share links to blog posts etc and other can find and vote on them. The best make it to the homepage!

This way you can reach out to rambhai readers some of whom could become your ardent fans.. who knows.. :)


Aquilus~ said...

@ Mr. Banerjee: You know, man I really really really agree with you. We feel comfortable in niches, the smaller, the better. It's like we're searching for definitions to ourselves from amongst a huge pile of already existing definitions. you dig?

@ Ray: Dude, thank you so much. Im very glad you liked my blog. While I will sure try and check out the site, I dont think too many people will be interested in my blog. It is essentially, a very sporadically written thing I use to think aloud. So thank you for your interest, and come back whenever you like, but I dont particularly want to enter into any competition. I wouldn't be able to handle the pressure. :)

Anonymous said...

Exactly. btw, the rambhai thing is a spam, no need replying.

Aquilus~ said...

good God, I really cant tell, nowadays!