Friday, August 4

I met Ri on a bus the other day. It was a mini-bus, and I was on my way home.
I sat next to the guy for a whole year in school. He doesn’t live in Calcutta now, and we hadn’t spoken for months.
In general, I find it rather difficult to describe people without exaggerating something about them, but for Ri, there is really no need. He is pretty much the most handsome guy I know. He is about one-and-a-half inches shorter than I am, which would put him at a bit over five-six, but he has a profile that would not look out of place on a Grecian urn. And he is great company. He knows all the gossip, and will have you in splits within about a minute. Needless to say, girls love him.
In spite of us being so very different, we were pretty good friends. I remember he once said to me that I don’t have his looks, and he doesn’t have my brains. Funny guy, and oddly forthright.
So we were talking, and as the bus stopped outside Lady Brabourne’s, two girls got on. The bus was fairly crowded, and they were standing behind us.
One of the girls was absolutely beautiful: Slender, flawless skin, the works. The other one was a little plump, and had frizzy hair.
Just then, the gentleman in the seat near the window in front of Ri got up and left. So Ri turned to the pretty girl, and asked her to take his seat. She said ‘thank you,’ and sat down.
Pretty soon, the other guy in the seat got up. The other girl was standing right behind Ri. But Ri didn’t ask her to sit. He took the seat himself, and sat next to the pretty girl. Ri being who he is, they were soon talking, of course. He really is very smooth, you’ve got to give him credit for that.

The reason I started writing this whole piece is because this girl had an expression on her face that is all too familiar.
It was like she was saying to herself, “Well, what were you expecting?”
So when the guy in the seat in front of me left, I asked her if she would like to sit. She sat down, and I got another seat after a while.
If this was the movies, then I could probably have told you that we got to talking and I found that she was a lovely person, and that she volunteered for the SPCA, and liked talking about crazy conspiracy theories, and thought that Artemis Fowl was much better than Harry Potter. But this wasn’t, and we didn’t speak to one another, and then Ri and I got off the bus.

I gave that girl my seat because I recognized that look. I know what that feels like.

Now, I’m not going to say that I am blindingly ugly, or that I have no female friends. I am not, I am average looking, I suppose, and I do. It is just that if they do like me, and value my friendship, it is because I’m smart, and usually nice to talk to, and many other such nondescript reasons. No one ever thinks I’m hot and that’s alright with me. My self esteem doesn't hinge on my looks.
But, once, just once, I would like to have some absolutely superficial, yet very attractive girl look at me and think, “I wish I knew that guy.”

You probably have no idea what I’m talking about. But that’s alright, too.


Joychaser said...

everybody likes looking at pretty things.

this Ri person's a jerk.

no, i wont listen to anything you might say to justify his behavior.

Anonymous said...

No, Diviani, he's not a jerk. He's just got it all easy, but he pretends he's a tortured soul.
You'd like him, everyone does. He's smart, not book-smart, but really smart. He's got an encyclopaedic amount of things to say about everything anyone'd like to talk about. He's fun, and he's good looking.
Its just that he's used to people liking him, and he's a bit thoughtless. But he's a great guy, really.

Joychaser said...

and you must justify.

why cant i think people are two dimensional and that we're all on a two dimensional plane of existence? that way i wouldnt have to see who was behind the circle between me and the person behind.

but no, people must be thoughtless and allround nice people as well.

we're all warty alligators after all.

Xiamaze said...

i agree with diviani...
Ri is dumb.
and wat abt the pretty shes defnitely a not nice person as well...i mean the other girl mustve been her frend as cud she just let ri take the empty sit and not ask him to bugger off and ask her frend to sit..
i hate people like this.
my term for people like Ri...."pretty boy"....

Anonymous said...

@diviani: course I must, he's a friend. You know the cliche about no black and white...
People like him arent that rare, actually. They arent important, or even very interesting, or fun, though at the beginning I always think so.

@Xiamaze: to be fair, I dont think they knew each other, they just got on at the same stop, and I suppose, went to the same college. They didnt talk to each other, or anything.

Anonymous said...

i guess the way people look does affect how everyone reacts to them but the thing is that each person has their own idea of what is attractive.
One day you probably will find a girl who says that about you

Rajasee Ray said...

that's it. that's the way it always is and should be. it doesn't really matter and most of us do know what it feels like.

...why do you like artemis fowl better than harry potter? because the characters are more interesting or on the whole?

Anonymous said...

@ anon and aarshi: but isnt it rather lowering to think that something over which you have no control is of such importance?

@anon: perhaps!

@aarshi: I like the vein of irreverence in artemis fowl, that runs throughout the books. I like colfer's style very much,too. Rowling's early books had the same quality, but now I feel she's started taking herself way too seriously!

Bone said...

and i wish i could steal this write-up. do stories really happen to you on a daily basis, or do you sometimes just think them up?

Anonymous said...

Of course I think stories up. but the stuff that I post, unless I say so, are not stories. they are true enough.

Ditto for the medical stuff.

And this incident really happened.

Scout's honour...!

Viator Magnus said...

Hey, when's the real one coming?
I'm typing mine now. It's painful work.

scorpionragz said...

i sooooooo know how taht feels. especially from a girl's pov!!!!
Ri, even if ur friend, sounds a creep.Chivalry is dead in this day n age!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ im: its here, magnus.

@ rags: Ri isnt exactly a creep, though he's quite a character! and thanks for the aaww!!!

March Hare said...

I echo Ragz...I know what its like...and it's not a good feeling. And even if Ri is not a creep, he IS insensitive to a great extent. So there.

Anonymous said...

yes he is, sen...
But you see that isnt completely his fault, again. He takes everything for granted, because, quite frankly, he's received a great deal of attention from the opposite sex!