Tuesday, November 21

The ballad of the perfect Romance.

He was looking for another cause, something else that could be saved.
He was sitting under the twisted tree that grew beside the lake.
The twisted tree was company, and he told it what he craved.
And the sky was full of tangerines that hung upside down.

He was sitting there when she found him, she sang her siren song.
She told him he could be brave, now that she was there to be strong.
He told her to paint him on a canvas, so he’d remember just what he was.
He asked her to preserve this reality in her jar of cobweb silk.

Then the sun was in their eyes, and then it drifted away to the right,
They held each other as the day died, and as time was reborn as night.
The stars came out as hard little points, and hunkered down against the light.
And fires burnt on the horizon, where the others waited.

She was crying one day when he came to her, and he would not ask her why.
She cried into his shoulder, she sobbed for hours, and then she let her tears dry.
He knew he should have asked her why she had been crying.
She smiled at him, and she said, Thank you, for knowing not to ask.

He was writing symphonies in the street, and they saw, and ran to get her.
He is mad, they said, he is lying in the road, go to him, make him better.
She smiled, he won’t listen, she said, he is free, he doesn’t understand fetters.
She wouldn’t go, he has the soul of a poet, she told them all.

She never tried to reform him, she would never try to own his mind.
And he never tried to shield her, from truth, from life, or from the blind.
They were together until they were parted, and that was when they died.
And turtle doves bled feathers over their pyres.

The smoke rose high.


Mind Mapping said...

oh look!!
post with title..

Anonymous said...

ok. now, word verification goes on, and stays on.

@merc: yeah, well! I thought this post deserved it!

March Hare said...

strangely enough, and unusually enough, I think I know exactly what she feels..

Anonymous said...

@ sen: :)

@agarwaen:turtle doves as a mark of the conventional romance, which the perfect romance is not. and they die, at the end of their natural spans, or early. I dont know.
and :)

Anonymous said...

the perfect Romance. it DOES exist. amidst the whirl of blaring horns, ungracious multitudes, and hostile glares.
it exists, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

@ J: I KNOW it does!

Bone said...

this is so much like my story i almost feel naked and guilty that someone else wrote it. at times it is difficult, but. very very difficult. at times i almost wish it was worse.

Viator Magnus said...


i hate sad endings!

waa haa haa!! (sniff) (sniff)

at least you got 30% back. why couldn't they live happily ever after,and have three kids? they could get one for free that way. one big happy family.

bwaah haa hoo!!

Anonymous said...

@tbc: really? this is kinda my story too. well.

@magnus: Its not a sad ending magnus. They live a very full life, and THEN they die. see?

the [R]etard said...

This is like looking at the world through a kaleidoscope.
Maybe, the point is to watch something end and not lose that 'romance'.
It's okay to be understood and be free, but how free can you be?
How far above the ground can you afford to float? Without floating so far that you cant come back again.
But maybe I'm missing the point completely.

Anonymous said...

@ agarwaen: sure. feel free to appropriate parts of it and apply it to yourself!!!!! :)

@ shunshine: hmmm. very true. No, you havent missed the point, I think you just gave me a whole new dimension to think about.

Rajasee Ray said...

an end diesn't always have to be an end and an end is usually sad but beutiful too. its complimentary to a beginning and a climax to a story.

Xiamaze said...

"He was looking for another cause, something else that could be saved."

"He told her to paint him on a canvas, so he’d remember just what he was.
He asked her to preserve this reality in her jar of cobweb silk."

he wanted her to save the fact that she met him under the twisted tree or just "him" as he was?

i really love the "twisted tree.

Anonymous said...

@aarshi: Endings more often than not add regrets to your life. That's the thing.

@xia: He wanted her to save him as he was the first time they met. So that even if he forgot, she would remember who he used to be.

Mind Mapping said...

ok fine stop it now.
this post has also become like "people...".

Anonymous said...

well well.
look whos talking..!