Sunday, July 23

I am reconciled to the fact that I can never do as well in exams as it is possible, in absolute terms, for me to do.
It is just that I can never actually study before exams. And though I have already read most things I need, I do not remember every single thing that I have studied throughout the term.
For some reason I am unable to sit still; to read something consistently.

I wander from room to room, my brain pickled in ennui, lost in a fog of repetitious meaninglessness.

I hate examinations.


Xiamaze said...


the [R]etard said...

i know. everybody hates exams. exams makes me sad. dont write about exams. they're not nice.

Anonymous said...

@xiamaze: Absolutely!

@purplesunshinethings: I dont like writing abut exams, its just that i'm obsessed with the subject at the moment...!