Friday, July 21

(This is part of a phone conversation, and yes, I have a photographic audio memory, except for lectures at college)

‘So how is college?’
‘You know. The usual. How are things in the medical line?’
‘I’ll tell you how things are after I find out if I’ve passed.’
Sudhra nahin. Why must you always be so irritatingly modest?’
‘Hey! I’m not modest. I get antsy around exams.’
‘Thought of a career yet? What, Gynaecology? Paediatrics?’
‘Oh, no. No, no. Not gyno.’
‘Because people who work in coffee shops hate coffee.’
‘What’s that got to do with anything?’
‘Think about it.’
‘And why not paediatrics? I thought you liked kids.’
‘I do. And that is why I won’t do paediatrics. Apart from the fact you have to be clairvoyant to be either a paediatrician or a vet.’
‘So, what?’
‘I don’t know. I won’t be an ophthalmologist. Or do ENT. Or biochemistry, or pathology. I have figured out what I do not want, but not what I actually do want. Story of my life. Maybe medicine, or surgery. Most probably omphalology.’
‘What on earth is that?’
‘“Omphalos” is Greek for “the umbilicus”. An omphalologist is a specialist in diseases of the navel.’
‘I didn’t know you had diseases of the navel.’
‘You don’t. That’s the point.’
‘Ha! Do surgery. There’s a lot of money in it.’
Mon cher!’ (In heavy fake French accent) ‘I find you fort amusant. Ze money, she does not mean anyzing to me!’
‘Oh, Please. You’d be selling your soul to rake in the moolah, once your trophy wife starts asking you to buy her stuff!’
‘Good God! You think a trophy wife would divert me from my lifelong dream of being absolutely idle? Almost you persuade me not to seek a trophy wife!’
‘Yeah. Right.’
‘Well, I did say almost!’


the [R]etard said...

Thank you. :)
Like I said before, you're blog is amazing.
I'm hooked on for updates.

trophy wife... *grins*

Anonymous said...

You're welcome.

And awwwww, thank you very much.

And yeah, this friend of mine always brings up things that result in the funniest of conversations... Trophy wife, forsooth!!!

Joychaser said...

and neuro-logy/surgery?

Anonymous said...

Y'see, neuro is a super-spesh. You have to do an MD in medicine or an MS in surgery and then do another course. If you go through medicine, its Neurology, and If through surgery its neurosurgery.

So I have to decide what to go into now... And omphalology sounds so nice...!
Zo, You zee, its vairy complicated...

Viator Magnus said...

Like I said before.
Get a life.
And shut your blog down.
Really, really depressing to see people talking about specializations and uber-specializations in these dark days haunted by a slimy bastard called Arjun Singh.
I hate him so much, I'll ignore the trophy wife issue.

Anonymous said...

We all hate arjun singh... Its why we wear the badge, and march in the processions, and say to each other 'we hate arjun singh.'

And that was a general comment, NOT implying that I shall, as a matter of course, get a spesh, which I agree is nigh impossible, in these dark days.

The trophy wife thing is supposed to be a joke. A JOKE. Capische? Jeez.

And I, like you, do not have a life. I have exams, and parts, and items.