Sunday, September 17

The corpse is still there on the verandah.
It’s disgraceful; I fully intend to complain to the authorities. It has been there for months now.

I see it everyday as I leave for work. It lies sprawled in the furthest corner, with its face hidden in the crook of its arm. It’s naked. They should put a sheet on it. Or take it away.

This whole neighborhood has gone to the dogs. When I was young, it was a respectable place.
Now the whole place is full of teenagers. Like in the house next to mine. It is crumbling, but it’s full of teenagers. Thin, with lanky, greasy hair. They never wash. And their dogs. I’m astonished at how many there are. Full of ticks, they growl at me when I go to drop my garbage bags off. I also wonder at the amount of garbage I am lugging to the dump every evening. Maybe someone is throwing their garbage in my bin.

I wonder why the dogs don’t eat the corpse. I’ve been leaving the gate open for a few days hoping they’d drag it off, but they haven’t yet.

I go to work, and I’d talk to the people there if I could recognize them. I can’t. Their faces all look the same to me. Its not something new, I haven’t ever been able to tell faces apart. I compensate by giving them names. Patch-on-neck is the man in the big office. Extra finger is in the cubicle next to mine. I don’t talk to anyone else; I just stare at their eyes and nod along if someone talks to me. Establishing eye contact means the person thinks you know him, and recognize him, and are listening to him.
So no one knows this about me yet, though I’ve been working there for many years.
I write manuals for toys. They give me a sheaf of paper, and I read it, rewrite it, write an index, and write little ‘how-to’ pages to put at the end of the booklet. I also write “Not suitable for children under 5”, or “Small plastic parts: not recommended for children under 2.”

The teenagers always play the same song. “Funky town”. Always they play it. I keep hearing it in my head. But I can’t make out any of the words. Except “Funky Town.”

I bought a gun to shoot rats. I have rats the size of small cats. It’s those teenagers with their leaving food about. I’d talk to them, but I never see them around. But I see their silhouettes against the closed windows and they don’t have curtains, they light candles in the afternoon.

I bought groceries. Food. Sticking plaster. When I returned the corpse was still there. I wonder why it hasn’t rotted.

Someone came and said he was from the corporation, and that they were going to pull down the condemned buildings on either side of my house, and that I had warning to leave my house for a period of seven days, and go live in the accommodation they had provided.
I asked, “What about the teenagers? And when are you removing the corpse?”
The man stared at me. I shut the door in his face.
They think they can fool me. The moment I leave they’ll steal my house. I’ll burn it down before I let them have it.
I wont go to work tomorrow.
I have to guard my house from them.

The thought of that corpse outside is not letting me sleep. My eyes feel like they’re full of grit.

I went outside to check. It is still there, the same as always.

I can’t sleep. Why won’t it rot?
I have no choice.
I’m going to have to burn the house down.


Anonymous said...

This post is creepy...and strangely believable.

Joychaser said...

the mind, it boggles.

Anonymous said...

@ sc: isnt it? There are lots of people like this. Maybe you see to them in the street, or they sit next to you in a bus...:)

@ Diviani: why? why does it boggle?

the [R]etard said...

this reminds me of a friend of mine...

i can totally imagine the inside of his head is like this...

Viator Magnus said...


visuoauditory hallucination complex. associated set of delusions- reference, persecution, infestational(pseudonihilistic). probable set of tactile hallucinations too. memory disorders comprise a rare complete anomia. some form of bipolar disorder quiescent in hypomania and going to swing polar-wards in abnormal impulse-pyromania.


paraphrenic schizoaffective disorder with probable bipolar component. amnesia unexplainable- probably has alzheimer's or a direct temporal and parietal lobe lesion- but that would produce more symptoms....NOBODY CAN HAVE THE WHOLE PSYCHIATRY TEXTBOOK AT ONCE, ASS!


to all that it may concern- this duffer told me to spot what he'd put in this story. i tried. maybe i've excluded lots. will talk about it in college.
and my DEAR purple- NOBODY CAN BE THIS MAD!! in case you really know someone this conky, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! HE'S THE ANTICHRIST!!
I'm going mad too.

Viator Magnus said...

right,knew i missed something!!

i was wrong abt alz, he has short and long term memory intact in some components- as is reflected in the work history.

prosopagnosia. damn.

Anonymous said...

@ shunshine: heh!

@ magnus: This is probably an exmple of oneirophrenia. Early schizo, agree. how'd you get the amnesia and the bipolar state? And ALZHEIMER'S???
He has Mysophobia, quite obviously. And cannot BELIEVE that you missed the prosopagnosia.
and for the record these symptom complexes often go together...

Viator Magnus said...

hey but i said temporal lobe- classical cause of proso. i didn't miss it- i actually didn't mention it in the symp list. wasn't thinking when i wrote the last comm.

Anonymous said...

um, my comment goes before yours, magnus... I posted it, then removed it to add mysophobia... um. Sorry if you're confused!!!

Anonymous said...

no, proso can also happen if association pathways go.
But then, of course, wouldnt be as obviously associated with schizo features, so you're partly right.

Viator Magnus said...

bipolar- he conceals the mental state- withdrawn, depressive. pyromania is always a manic swing of a depressive illness. i said schizoaffective, that's better. and myso- i'm not sure- i'll stick to infestational pseudonihilistic delusion. multiple- ticks, rats..

man, he's your character, but i'm trying to be his psycho psycho? you do this! i resign! patient beyond me!

and that pheniramine is still making me nod.

and don't you rave about ethics now!

Anonymous said...

pyromania is an impulse disorder, NOT always manic.
and if he was bipolar, you'd have a lot more stuff. Um, for example, delusions of grandeur alternating with feelings of low self worth...etc etc.

Ok, ok, the guys kinda mine... I get it, karl!

Joychaser said...

what would, if it didn't?

Xiamaze said...


Anonymous said...

@ Agarwaen: yeah. Totally. I had something like that in mind, actually. Someone totally isolated.

@ Diviani: Um, what do you mean? can anything besides the mind boggle? ;)

@ Xiamaze: absolutely! muhahaha!

@ magnus: and where on earth did you get tactile hallucinations?

Viator Magnus said...

i don't know. thought i saw an instance. i'm going bonkers too.
@agarwaen: hmm.... i'm surprised you got any of that.

Joychaser said...

that is what i meant.

Anonymous said...

@aquilus: we meet so many faceless faces everyday. lo of 'em have the potential to be a terrific serial killer, don't you think??

@viator: i didn't get any of "that". but i enjoyed it.

Mind Mapping said...


wat is infestational pseudonihilistic delusion??
tell tell.

Anonymous said...

@ magnus: hmm.

@ Diviani: Ok then... :)

@ Agarwaen: yes. And how would we ever know?

@Mercury shadow: A nihilistic delusion is a firm belief that one is dead, or that parts of one's body are dead. Magnus was trying to work the hallucination of the corpse into that hypothesis, and hence the 'pseudo'. :)

Mind Mapping said...
