Saturday, September 9

Ok. So I am going to flout my unwritten rule of never writing anything about my life.
I have a huge exam in Microbiology on Tuesday; a big exam in Pathology on Wednesday; I’m tired; I’m obsessed with Creeper Lagoon’s “Under the Tracks”; and I’m sleeping ten hours a day.

To top it all off, I have just heard from a friend that an extremely neurotic person thinks I’m ‘after’ her. To be told that someone for whom you have harbored no sentiment other than that consistent with the most disinterested friendship, which, quite frankly, is about as tepid as they come, is flabbergasting, to say the least. I am flabbergasted. How conceited someone has to be to place that construction on a single phone call, and two messages over a space of three weeks is something I don’t understand. I wanted a book; I thought she wanted a CD.

I’m embarrassed, though I have no reason to be.

Also, another person I know, whom I meet about once a week sends me a couple of messages every day, and calls every other day. She is very sweet, a really nice person. She asks about my studies, and tells me about her day. And she takes it as a matter of course that I shall spend all my time at this place where I meet her, with her. She wants to have coffee, and stuff. I don’t know about this either. Does she want to be more than friends? Or am I completely misconstruing everything? I cant be anything other than a friend to her.

This is worrying me, almost exactly the same thing happened before with a very good friend who wanted more from me than I was ready to give, and its still very weird with her.

I don’t need this. All I want to do is listen to my music, and read, and study something that interests me. I have all of that, and then this gnarled tangle of complications explodes into my life.

I don’t want relationships with just anyone. I’m not superficial that way. I don’t have flings. I don’t care about how hot people are; of the three women I would actually like to get to know better, two I like because they are radiantly smart and write incredibly well, and the other is just about the nicest person I know.
And with them, I struggle to sustain conversations. Go figure.

What I want is a muse. It would be nice if you could just advertise for one.

“Muse / epic love wanted. Duties are not onerous, and will comprise mainly of desultory conversation about books, music, the mind, and the meaning of life. Applicants must have ability to smile appreciatively upon the production of poetry. Occasional accompaniment to places of revelry is required. The pay is no good, but there is an excellent Medical plan. Please apply at the earliest.”



Xiamaze said...

"The pay is no good, but there is an excellent Medical plan"...
i'm sure there is an excellent medical plan...
well i dont know what to say to this post but all i know is that you shouldnt DO anything on your own...just let things know what i mean? if you dont know what i mean its ok..
anyway...good luck with all the complications in your life...

ps1: i feel sleepy all the time too.
ps2: please get rid of the word is so very annoying...
seasons greetings

Mind Mapping said...

"`Applicants must have ability to smile appreciatively upon the production of poetry"

People can make things so awkward..u don't even know whether its good to be frank with them about it.So in a way it is better to let things happen.

ps.yes.the word verification thing is very annoying.

Anonymous said...

Xiamaze and Mercuryshadow:

what can I let happen? the first thing I cant do anything about. I'd jolly well like to give her a piece of my mind, but, then she'll ask where I heard what, and in the interests of chivalry, and all that stuff, I'll let it slide....
The second thing, I cant let it go on and on. Thats what I did with that other friend before, and look where that got me. Only I cant figure out what to do...

Aargh. And I thought I left all this stuff back in my teenage, where it belongs.

And word verification is off, by popular demand. Until someone advertises here.

And seasons greetings to you both. And thank you for having taken the trouble to read through this.


Viator Magnus said...


And you told ME to shut my face about that.

I think you have an acceptance issue.

It means you want to be accepted.

It means you want this blog to be a weird matrimonial, sent by registered post to people you know would read it. And maybe I'll take the liberty of adding the RSVP to the end.

What is the matter with you, man?

Anonymous said...

I dont want this blog to be a wierd matrimonial, magnus.

If you deflated your head, and actually read the post, you would realize that.

I'm very very VERY pissed off.

whats wrong with me? too many viruses are swimming around in my head. And I havent even started on the fungi. And its all too complicated.


Joychaser said...

Conceited people are complete cauliflowers. If you deny it, they'll just take it as an affirmation of your intentions. If you don't its still the same.

Anonymous said...

@ Agarwaen: really? People are all the same. They shouldnt even be called people any more. Call them variations on a tired old theme...

@ Diviani: I know. Its infuriating. I wish I could DO something though...

Viator Magnus said...

Have I not explained?

And do not uppercase me. I am sneezing my "inflated" head off and am on cefuroxime and the thermo reads 103.

No sympathy expected, but I did give your hit-o-meter a boost, didn't I? And my head hurts, and I can't read for more than fifteen minutes without letting a groan escape me. And I am worse off than you in Viro and Myco.

To give you some of your own medicine - "Bugger!"

Joychaser said...

Cold shouldering, cutting off all channels of communication, perhaps?

"and then this gnarled tangle of complications explodes into my life."

Right now I'm wondering what you'd do if we ever have a freaky friday incident. I'm laughing my head off.

Anonymous said...

@ Magnus: that cant be. I've buttloads to study, and i'm here, orkutting away to glory...

@ diviani: yes,but for which one? the first or the second? And if we ever have a freaky friday incident, I think the first situation type things would disappear from my life, and the number of second situation type things would be magnified tenfold.
And it aint funny! So there.

Joychaser said...


Anonymous said...

First situation, yes. Not that it would matter.
Second situation. Amnt I being an absolute coxcomb to just assume this? And I cant just drop people!

the [R]etard said...

its so trivial... but so disturbing

but its funny :)

viator. i hope u get better soon

the [R]etard said...

its so trivial... but so disturbing

but its funny

magnus. i hope u get better soon

Anonymous said...

I know, shunshine.

And I'd be laughing my head off right now.

If it had only happened to someone else...


Anonymous said...


you actually got THIS worked up about this??

didnt know what was in store for you a month later,eh?


so did anyone apply for the post??